The mission of Student Access Services (SAS) is to provide equal opportunities and
access to education, programs, and activities for students with disabilities by increasing
campus accessibility and removing barriers. Disability is an aspect of diversity integral
to society and supported by SAS, the Division of Student Life, and is guided by the
University’s mission to foster a welcoming and inclusive community.
Who is eligible for Student Access Services?
To be eligible for services from the Office for Student Access Services (SAS), the
student must be admitted to New Mexico Tech, and they must have a disability. The term “disability” is used frequently throughout our website because it is the language used in both the federal laws and New Mexico Tech policies that protect
students with disabilities from unlawful discrimination and provide reasonable accommodations.SAS understands and respects the choice of people who do not readily identify with
the term “disability” and prefer to use other terminology to describe their situation.
Definition of Disability
As defined in federal law, a person with a disability is someone who has a serious
medical condition or a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one
or more major life activities.
Major life activities are those functions that are important to most people’s daily
lives. These include but are not limited to the following:
Major Bodily Functions, such as immune system functions, normal cell growth, and normal
nervous, endocrine, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive,
urinary, and reproductive system functions.
Types of Disabilities
Psychological Disabilities
This group is included in a large proportion of the population of students assisted
by Student Access Services (SAS). Many different psychological disorders can have
a cognitive, emotional, and/or social impact on a student's ability to function in
an academic environment. Psychological disabilities include, but are not limited to:
Bipolar Disorder
Anxiety Disorders
Some students undergoing treatment take prescription medication to mediate symptoms.
SAS understands that medications may have side effects that differ per individual,
and those who experience such deserve accommodations that cover not just the disorder
but these as well.
Learning Disabilities and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
This group is included in a large proportion of the population of students assisted
by SAS. These disabilities affect the manner in which individuals obtain, incorporate,
and/or express knowledge. Learning disabilities may affect a student’s ability with:
Reading, writing, spelling, and/or mathematics
Auditory, visual and/or sensory processing
Orientation to space and time
People with ADHD may find it difficult to focus and prioritize, control impulsive
behaviors, or conform to expectations for presented energy levels.
If the student has had a psychoeducational, psychological, or neuropsychological evaluation
done, it can be very helpful for the student to provide a copy of the evaluation to
SAS. These evaluations are usually comprehensive and detailed, and can assist SAS
in helping the student determine which accommodations may be most beneficial for them.
A student's 504 Plan, or IEP, can also be helpful for reviewing accommodations that
have been effective in the past and may be available in the university setting. The
request form has a file upload module for this purpose.
SAS cannot provide evaluations or screenings, but we are willing to direct you to
local services that can. If you need accommodations before you can get a professional
diagnosis, a temporary period can be established for needed assistance while you pursue
medical options.
Chronic Health Conditions
There are a number of chronic health conditions that may impact a student’s energy,
pain level, concentration, and attendance. Examples of these conditions include but
are not limited to:
Heart Conditions
Crohn’s Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Chronic Pain
Some students may be taking medication with varying side effects such as drowsiness
or slowed response. Chronic health conditions are often unpredictable, so students
may be affected at any time without warning. Student Access Services works with students
and professors to adapt to these situations and reschedule tests as necessary. We
do not blame the student or limit reschedules when a chronic illness 'flares up'.
Deaf or Hard of Hearing
The age of onset of a hearing disability will have a great impact upon the student’s
English ability, both spoken and written. Generally, English is considered a second
language for deaf and hard of hearing students while signed language is the dominant
mode of communication. Typical accommodations include:
Use of a Signed Language interpreter
Real-time captioning
Note taking
Providing all directions in writing
Closed-captioned videos
Visual Disabilities
Visual disabilities can vary from total blindness to low vision. Students with low
vision may not have an apparent “visible” disability. Students with visual disabilities
may experience eyestrain, light sensitivity, or an inability to read printed material
or to distinguish certain colors. Students who have been blind from birth have different
concepts of objects, space, and distance from those persons who develop visual disabilities
later in life.
These students may encounter various types of environmental barriers in the college
setting such as inaccessible readings, unannounced quizzes, open book tests, locating
lecture information, completing scantron answer sheets, or viewing lecture notes during
Student Access Services works with professors to provide accommodations for low vision
students such as seats in the front of the class and larger font and image sizing
on assessments. For all visually impaired students, we can provide test readers (a
person who reads test content aloud) and text to speech devices.
Other Physical Disabilities
Physical accessibility is one of the major concerns for students with physical disabilities.
Students may encounter unavoidable delays during inclement weather, times of heavy
foot traffic, malfunctioning ADA equipment, and periods of construction. If a classroom
is inaccessible, Student Access Services will work with the department to relocate
the class to an accessible location. When a course requires travel to alternative
locations, those locations and transportation must be accessible.
Student Access Services also works with injured students who require temporary accommodations
such as the loaning of a wheelchair, extra time to write for a hand injury, or assistance
for a concussion. "Temporary" is an option on the request form to allow medical records
of a recent injury to qualify for accommodations until the student has recovered (typically
a few months to a semester).
Specific Types of Disabilities
There ae many different types of disabilities that can affect a person. Some examples
of disabilities include, but are not limited to:
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Blindness/Low Vision
Brain Injuries
Cerebal Palsy
Communication Disorders
Deafness/Hard of Hearing
Emotional/Psychological Disabilities
Multiple Sclerosis
Muscular Dystrophy
Seizure Disorders
Specific Learning Disabilities
Spinal Cord Injuries
Phone 575-835-6451Fax 575-835-5899access@jyycl.comFidel Center 2nd Floor 245